Kava can be prepared using the Traditional Method, the Shaker Method or the Blender Method.

As a guide for those who are new to kava we suggest using about 35g of powdered kava per litre of water.

The strainer bag should ideally be about 75 microns mesh size if using plain water, or smaller if using milk or coconut water.

The water temperature should be around room temperature. Slightly warmer water can be used but too much heat can cause the drink to become slimy.




Materials needed:

Powdered kava, Water, Strainer cloth or bag, Large bowl or basin, Ladle spoon, Drinking bowls or Cups.


Method: The following is a variation of the traditional mixing method. It just looks long but is really easy to do!


1) Add some water to the mixing bowl

2) Add the kava powder to the strainer bag. Be careful not to let the kava touch the sides of the bag.

3) Grab the bag about an inch or two above the level of kava powder, give it a twist and pinch the twisted area to prevent the bag from opening.

4) Dip the strainer bag several times into the water in the mixing bowl soaking the kava well. Some kava will start to filter out into the water.

5) When the kava is nicely soaked and still in the water, start kneading it with your fingers and palm. Knead for a minute, lift bag out of water, squeeze and dip it back in the water again to re-soak the kava. The kava will have an oily feel. These are the kavalactones and other oils being released from the kava powder.

6) Keep kneading, squeezing and dipping for several minutes until you can feel the texture of the kava change inside the bag.

The kava powder inside the strainer bag will start to feel drier, grainy and less oily. At this stage, squeeze the bag & hold it above the bowl.

Have someone pour water very slowly onto the bag while you gently knead it above the bowl, letting the fresh water gently re-soak the kava inside the bag.

Stop pouring water when the kava is soaked again. Knead for a couple of minutes and squeeze the bag. Observe the colour of the liquid coming out of the bag.

Repeat this step until the liquid coming out is very light in colour. Give the bag a final squeeze and put it aside for cleaning.

7) Use the ladle spoon to stir the liquid kava in the mixing bowl. Taste and add more water to dilute the strength if needed. Stir well and serve enough for a good gulp. Serve every 10 to 15 minutes and nibble some chaser in between serves to take away the taste if you prefer.





This is a really easy method but make sure to soak the kava for long enough so that the root particles will release the oils when vigrously shaken.

Add the kava powder to a shaker bottle. Add sufficient water to make a nice liquid slurry thats not too thick. Shake well for a few minutes then let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes. Shake well again for a few minutes, strain finely, dilute if needed and serve.




Add the kava powder to a blender and add enough water to just cover the kava. Blend for 60 seconds, add a bit more water and blend again for another 30 seconds. Strain finely, dilute if needed and serve.

Here is a short video on YouTube from Custom Tanoas showing their variation of the blender method : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnLE-AvXGEs



Alternatives to Mixing Kava with Water:

Kava can also be mixed using other liquids like coconut water, milk from cows and plant-based milks like almond, soy and oat milk. This may also help improve the taste and reduce the bitterness that stronger kavas can have.

The effects of the kava may be stronger too since these liquids have natural fats and will help extract the fat-soluble kavalactones.


WARNING: Never mix kava with alcohol or liquids that may contain alcohol as it will be toxic and puts your health at high risk. Avoid any kava pills or extracts that have been made using alcohol in the extraction process.




Powdered kava should be stored tightly sealed in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. To extend life and maintain strength kava can be stored in the cooler of the fridge or even in the freezer.

If you have a large quantity then keep it in the freezer and some in the cooler for your regular use so you don't have to open the main batch frequently.

Keep exposure to air and heat at minimum for best results.